SwimSafe - Open Water Life Saving App

The server that calls rescue services if you haven't come out of the water

Send Rescue if you're not back
If you're swimming in open-water, someone on land has to know where you are going, your intended route, and when you're expected to come back. This means that if you do get into difficulties, then the emergency services have a much better idea of where to look for you in order to give assistance.

This is where SwimSafe get's in place. SwimSafe server will inform your family, friends and local emergency services if you haven't come back from swimming in open water within the time you've specified. It will send out your intended swimming location, along with notes you can add to your profile to let rescue know (i.e. are you swimming with a buoy, paddling on a SAP, wind surfing etc.).

Works 100% Of The Time
SwimSafe works 100% of the time. Letting a friend know where you swim and when you'll get back is important, no doubt. But SwimSafe can not only eliviate the burden of informing a friend on each swim, it will inform the friend only when there really is an emergency, and it can inform up to 10 people, in a WhatsApp message (or a SMS in case of a WhatsApp service outage) with complete information on where you're supposed to be (a link to google maps will be included in the WhatsApp message).

SwimSafe is so simple because it focuses on one specific purpose, unlike other apps that try to cater for too many different needs. SwimSafe is only about making sure you get out of that water!

Free Accounts
With a free account you'll be able to notify a friend that you're in trouble, and where you are, via an automatic WhatsApp message (or a SMS in case of a WhatsApp service outage) sent from SwimSafe server immediately when the defined time passes.

Premium Subscriptions ($5/Mo) get to add 10 emergency contacts.

Gold Subscriptions ($10/Mo) get a 24/7 human operated emergency center, where we contact your local emergency services, and your contacts, and follow through the emergency event until you're OK, safe and out of the water.
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